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Free Methodist World Missions FMWM logo

The Free Methodist Church in


Laurie Yost

Southeast Asia



Portrait of Laurie Yost

Contact Laurie Yost

Laurie is an FMWM veteran, having served in Mexico from 2006 to 2015. Now with FMWM-Asia, she is the assistant for the Shared Sustainability Initiative (SSI). She works with the SSI director and Asian leaders to invest in marketplace missions (micro-businesses) as sustainable approaches to a gospel witness. She publishes field reports for accountability and promotion, adds and tracks new SSI programs, and shares the positive impact of Shared Sustainability Initiatives and how others can participate in this growing ministry.

Pray For

  • the persecuted church in Asia to be bold and courageous in their faith
  • those entering into micro-businesses to persevere and be successful
  • wisdom and discernment for the SSI team as they make kingdom decisions
  • Laurie, as she continues to do partnership building



  • 08.22.2023


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