Kevin Austin is an FM missionary working domestically and globally through the Set Free Movement to end human trafficking. With roots in the 19th-century abolitionist movement, the Free Methodist Church is again championing the cause of holistic freedom. Now, as then, Free Methodists have a special passion for the poor and those vulnerable to injustice.
Pray For
- mobilization of the FMC to effectively combat human trafficking and serve those most vulnerable
- Kevin’s emotional and spiritual well-being as he regularly experiences the devastating impact of human trafficking
- endurance and safety as Kevin travels
- growth of leaders and finances as the Set Free Movement prepares to expand beyond 40 teams in the U.S. as well as internationally
- God’s protection for those on the frontlines bringing mercy to the margins
- God’s people to continue to reach and serve those most vulnerable
Recent Newsletters
Essential Sometimes Boring Work
Most of us love a good action movie. We love the adrenaline rush, the good guys winning over impossible odds, justice winning the day. Last summer, “The Sound of Freedom” was released, and the conversation about human trafficking was supercharged. It was an adrenaline...
Equipping for Impact in Asia
Spiritual oppression is real in Cambodia and Thailand. Both countries have significant levels of poverty and oppression. Materialism is the new religion, and drugs are destroying whole communities. Yet, despite the obstacles, God is advancing His mission. The church...
Power and Potential in Community
Picture a circle of young Togolese women. They are gathered for the Thrive/Wunders training. Yvonne, the Thrive Kenya leader conducting the training, said, “OK, pretend you are a teacher … and ‘you,’ you are an Auntie from church. Bella, pretend you are the nurse.”...
Latin America’s Movement to Fight Human Trafficking
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) defines human trafficking as the third-most-lucrative crime for international mafias after drug trafficking and counterfeiting of consumer goods. It is a scourge on humanity. The Free Methodist Church (FMC) in Latin...