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The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions

Created in His Image

by Rose Brewer | Jun 1, 2021 | HB Africa, HB Global, HB Kenya, HB SEED, Heartbeat

In the imago Dei, the image of God, this was how God created us, male and female. Transformational churches around the world are reaching out to men, women, boys and girls in their communities with the good news that all are created in the imago Dei.

So what does this look like in practical terms? For SEED Livelihood Network, the Set Free Movement and International Child Care Ministries (ICCM), it means we work for equity for all people. Many times, and in many places, this means intervening for disadvantaged women and girls.

Some life-changing disadvantages often come to girls when they start menstruating. For girl growing up in poverty, this time can be confusing, fearful, embarrassing and full of obstacles. One of the obstacles in many countries is insufficient supplies to absorb their menstrual flow. Some sit on dirt piles, some use rags, and some may be lucky enough to buy cheap and ineffective supplies. Not surprisingly, this often leads to shame.

Shame can lead to marginalization and make girls more vulnerable to abuse, exploitation and human trafficking. Yet God affirms women’s bodies are good, created by Him with excellence, knitted together in their mother’s wombs, wonderful. We want every girl connected to our churches and schools and in our communities to know the beautiful picture of God creating us. We want them to know personally the God Who created them in His image.

For You shaped me, inside and out. You knitted me together in my mother’s womb long before I took my first breath.

I will offer You my grateful heart, for I am Your unique creation, filled with wonder and awe.

You have approached even the smallest details with excellence;

Your works are wonderful; I carry this knowledge deep within my soul.

You see all things; nothing about me was hidden from You.

(Psalms 139:13-14, The Voice)

SEED, ICCM and Set Free continue to work toward launching a sustainable menstrual-supplies project in Kenya and then in other countries. We want to help girls stay in school through locally made, sustainable menstrual supplies created by church-based sewing centers. We plan to combine this with discipleship-oriented education emphasizing the image of God in each of us. Join us in praying for the effective launch of this project.

As we disciple young women around the world, we want them to know of the amazing Creator God and to affirm their bodies are good, every day of the month.