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The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions

Malawi: Pray for a growing spiritual depth of the members in the Malawi FMC and a growing passion to reach the lost in their communities.

Set Free Movement: Pray for God’s sustaining grace and strength for Set Free leaders around the world who regularly deal with heartbreaking...

Philippines: Roger and Vangie Stone are in the States for partnership building. Pray this will be an encouraging and fruitful time of connections....

Ghana: The FM church in Ghana (under the Canadian General Conference) has plans for several economic empowerment programs, such as an indigenous...

Honduras: The annual meeting of the Honduras Mission District takes place today and tomorrow. Pray the leaders in Honduras will have unity of heart...

360 Mission District: Pray missionary Kyle Leon will grow closer to God as she seeks His will daily. Ask God to give her boldness and energy to...

United Kingdom: Praise the Lord! An Iranian church in London recently signed an affiliation agreement with the FM Annual Conference in the U.K. The...

ICCM: Animals benefit ICCM children in several countries. Through organized and well-managed projects, animals produce nutritional, educational and...

Zimbabwe: Pray for the effectiveness of the Wesley Bible College as it continues to train pastors and leaders through a distance learning program.

Colombia: Pray the Lord would guide missionary Katie Jewell as she works to start a Christian homeschool co-op, an educational group in their...


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