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The monthly newsletter of Free Methodist World Missions

Kevin Austin

Kevin Austin

Kevin Austin is an FM missionary working domestically and globally through the Set Free Movement to end human trafficking. With roots in the 19th-century abolitionist movement, the Free Methodist Church is again championing the cause of holistic freedom. Now, as then, Free Methodists have a special passion for the poor and those vulnerable to injustice.

Children: Elijah, Matthias

Art and Sylvia Brown

Art and Sylvia Brown

For nearly 10 years, the Browns served as pastors to the missionary team in Africa. In 2022, they passed this role on to Scott and Natasha Edinger. Art and Sylvia have now assumed a support role for our team of missionary care couples – Scott and Natasha Edinger (Africa), Mark and Judi Morrison (Asia), Mitch and Lynn Sue Pierce (Europe), and Guy and Betsy Crawford (Latin America). The Browns will help coach, equip and strengthen FMWM’s missionary care team.

Debra Gilmore

Debra Gilmore

Beginning April 1, 2022, Debra Gilmore began a new role as a missionary trainer and coach for FMWM, using the Support Raising Solutions principles and contextualizing them for FMWM missionaries, international missionaries and national leaders. She will do training in each world area at the request of the area directors and will coach new missionaries in the raising of support. She serves as a part-time U.S.-based partner. Her husband, Phil, though retired, will provide tech support and coaching. Phil and Debra reside in South Carolina.
Children: Elijah, Matthias


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Statement of Ownership 2024